Jennifer Dymond, CPA

CEO, Coach, Consultant, Community Leader, Improviser

Jennifer partners with underestimated business owners sustainably serving the community to supercharge and amplify their positive impacts. In her consulting practice, she supports the business in its pursuit of sustaining people, planet and profits. In her coaching practice, she has the privilege of supporting the people running those transformational businesses in their personal and professional transformation work. Blending her strong background in coaching, accounting advisory, technology consulting, and process improvement with her decade-long practice of improvisational acting, Jennifer supports business owners through continuous innovation in their business operations amid rapid changes. On a mission to empower all accounting professionals with the magical skills gained through improv training, she leads Improv for Accountants workshops around the country. Suffering from a lifelong learning habit and mild obsession with building connections, Jennifer organizes powerful educational events and fun social meetups as founder and leader of membership communities for accounting professionals. On a mission to empower all accounting professionals with the magical skills gained through improve training; she leads Improve for Accountants workshops at every opportunity. Suffering from a lifelong learning habit and mild obsession with building connections and community engagement, Jennifer organizes powerful educational events and fun social meetups for accounting communities.