Dominique Molina, CPA

Co-founder and CEO of American Institute of Certified Tax Planners

Dominique Molina, a CPA since 2000, has devoted her career to enhancing the expertise of accounting professionals while helping small businesses minimize their tax burden. She emphasizes proactive tax planning strategies, enabling small companies to leverage tax laws in the same way large corporations do. Molina founded the American Institute for Certified Tax Planners (AICTP) in 2009 to share her approach with other accounting professionals. The non-profit organization trains and certifies tax experts in proactive tax planning, with over 1,200 Certified Tax Coaches, Planners, and Strategists across the nation serving over 360,000 entrepreneurial businesses. AICTP aims to elevate the accounting profession, attract younger generations, and offer an en-hanced value proposition beyond traditional tax services. Molina advocates for a shift from reac-tionary reporting to strategic knowledge, providing clients with guidance for tax savings and wealth building. As an early adopter and proponent of value pricing, Molina challenges the century-old hourly bill-ing model still used by 86% of firms. Her thought leadership encourages a focus on service value and cost predictability for clients. Molina also cautions the industry about potential pitfalls of DIY planning software, emphasizing the irreplaceable expertise of professional tax planners. Molina frequently speaks and teaches on topics such as Advanced Tax Planning, Federal Tax Reform, and Getting Paid What You're Worth. In 2020, she expanded her educational outreach through Think Outside The Tax Box (TOTTB), an online publication offering tax reduction strategies for ac-countants and small business owners. In 2022, she acquired MidasIQ, a leading tax education com-pany educating the public on tax reduction strategies and the value of expert tax guidance from Certified Tax Planners. Dominique Molina remains a champion for modernizing and elevating the accounting industry, highlighting the value CPAs offer in guiding clients toward better business outcomes.